The Rise of Generative AI in Tax Research

As a leader in legal technology, Blue J consistently explores and harnesses AI advancements. This dedication was evident in our recent webinar, "The Rise of Generative AI in Tax Research," hosted by CEO Benjamin Alarie and Vice President of Legal Research, Susan Massey. They explored the revolutionary power of Generative AI in tax research. If you missed the webinar, we are offering access to the recording here.

The webinar began with a discussion on the current state of tax research, highlighting the dichotomy between the traditional methods of research and the emerging reliance on search engines like Google. While Google searches offer speed and convenience, they often lack the depth and accuracy required for tax research. On the other hand, conventional tax libraries, though authoritative, can be cumbersome and time-consuming to navigate.

The solution, as proposed in the webinar, lies in leveraging Generative AI. The advent of ChatGPT, which skyrocketed to 100 million users within 60 days of its release, has opened up new possibilities for tax research. However, as with any new technology, it's essential to understand its limitations and potential pitfalls.

The webinar highlighted several limitations of Generative AI, including the risk of "hallucinating", a cut-off date for training data, lack of references to authoritative content, and the absence of subject matter experts in the development process. These limitations underscore the need for a careful and expert-guided approach to using Generative AI in tax research.

In response to these challenges, Blue J has developed Ask Blue J, a solution that combines the power of AI with the expertise of tax professionals. Ask Blue J is designed to provide accurate and reliable tax information.

Ask Blue J leverages generative AI and a vast and authoritative tax database to answer challenging tax questions in seconds. Obtain verifiable and trustworthy answers to your tax questions, supported by authoritative sources. By maximizing efficiency and accuracy, Ask Blue J enables you to focus on high-value activities. Get lightning-fast answers to complicated tax questions, and revolutionize the way you work.

The webinar concluded with a live demonstration of Ask Blue J's key capabilities, including providing summaries of specific tax code provisions, answering general law-related queries, applying law to specific situations, and even leveraging new tax laws.

With Ask Blue J, we're pioneering a new era of tax research, where the vast knowledge of Generative AI is combined with the precision and accuracy of human expertise. We encourage you to take a look at our webinar recording to gain an understanding of the potential of AI in tax research.

Experience the benefits of leveraging Generative AI for your tax-related needs by trying out Ask Blue J here. It's time to step into the future of tax research.

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