Navigating the TCJA's Waves of Change: GILTI in Focus

As part of its sweeping tax reforms, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) moved the United States from a global to a territorial tax system.A related change is the creation of the global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) inclusion, a new tool enabling the government to prevent corporations from taking advantage of the new system by shifting profits to foreign subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions.In light of such substantial legislative developments, tax professionals should ensure that they keep up with the constant stream of changes.Join us for a webinar discussing new regulations enacted in the TCJA and, in particular, GILTI’s implications for corporate taxpayers and how tax professionals can best advise their corporate clients.By joining the webinar, you can ensure that you:

  • Avoid the risks of failing to file the proper documentation and thus incurring necessary penalties
  • Plan in accordance with ever-changing regulations
  • Anticipate forthcoming changes that might affect tax planning

Speaker: Abdi Aidid, Director of Legal Research

Abdi Aidid is the director of Legal Research at Blue J Legal and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law. Previously, he was an attorney at Covington & Burling LLP in New York City, where he advised a variety of corporations and litigated complex commercial disputes. At Blue J Legal, Abdi oversees the development of machine learning-enabled legal research tools, including the newly released Tax Foresight.

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