Blue J Diagramming: The Diagramming Solution for Tax Professionals

For tax professionals, a major source of frustration is the amount of time spent creating complex entity-and-relationship diagrams in order to explain a client’s tax scenario and the relationships between the bodies involved.

That’s because many rely on tools like PowerPoint and Visio to create their diagrams - solutions intended for anything but diagramming. While highly valuable to tax clients, and a way to showcase the expertise of tax professionals, the diagramming process is often a painstaking one.

We decided to change that with Blue J Diagramming.

Blue J Diagramming is a diagramming solution built by tax professionals, for tax professionals. With its ease of use, it doesn’t require any technical diagramming skills or experience. It helps tax practitioners create exactly the types of entity-and-relationship diagrams they need, saving them hours of time and effort.

Watch the video below for a quick overview with our very Mat Armstrong, Director of Customer Success. For a detailed guide on how to get started and the unique features of Blue J Diagramming, you can read the post.

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How to Use Blue J Diagramming

The process of creating entity-and-relationship diagrams with Blue J Diagramming is straightforward. It’s an online solution and doesn’t require any kind of software installation.

1. A new diagram starts with an empty canvas and shapes are added onto the canvas using a library of standard business entity structures.

2. Relationships between entities are created by dragging a line between two blue anchor points on the entity. Straight lines are used to illustrate long-term static relationships and arrows are used to illustrate action or movement between two entities.

3. Labels on entities and relationships are populated automatically as information about the entity and structure is added to the diagram. As the entity structure expands, the canvas can be zoomed in or out to get a bird’s eye view of the structure and action.

4. Once you’ve created your structure, add colors to your entities and connections to draw attention to them and highlight important information.

Screenshot add colors to blue j diagrams

That’s all there is to it!

Blue J diagramming brings a new level of simplicity and standardization to diagramming in the tax practice - that’s never been seen before. It’s saving tax professionals so much time by helping them create polished, client-ready visuals that clearly communicate a tax position, with ease.

By cutting down on the time spent diagramming, tax practitioners can instead focus their time on identifying potential issues and produce quality insights on how to proceed by leveraging Blue J’s predictive tools.


What’s Next for Blue J Diagramming

We’re only getting started! The future of diagramming in Blue J is very exciting for us as we continue to improve the tool. We are working on delivering an intelligent, next generation diagramming solution for the tax practice. Not only will it help you to create your diagrams, it will flag potential issues for you and more.

Stay tuned in the coming months for more updates on the growth of Blue J diagramming!


Why Tax Professionals are Switching to Blue J Diagramming

Clients today have higher expectations for clear and professional visual representations to better understand their tax situation. Communicating visually is essential when you need to help clients better understand their tax position or plan.

For a very long time, the challenge has been to create polished, client-ready diagrams that detail the plan and tax implications with online tools that aren’t designed with the tax practitioner and his/her client in mind.

Tax practitioners are retained by their clients to apply their deep expertise to optimizing the tax plan, not to optimize font sizes on slides. You shouldn’t have to be a highly technical expert diagrammer to create a clear visual that can be immediately delivered to clients. Until now, tax professionals have had to embark on time-consuming art projects to create professional-looking diagrams, instead of closing files and picking up new clients.

Blue J diagramming helps tax practitioners by providing a user-friendly, purpose-built solution for tax practitioners. Our solution eliminates the complexity of typical, generic solutions and enables tax practitioners to produce client-ready diagrams with speed and ease.

With the time saved on diagramming, tax professionals can focus on turning their visuals into high-quality insights that generate superior results.

Don’t spend another minute using the wrong design tool - contact us today to see how Blue J Diagramming is the perfect solution for you.

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