How Syracuse University Helps Students Win Real Cases with the Latest Tax Tech

“Being able to use Blue J gives the students an appreciation for how the practice of law has evolved and improved. There are tools out there now that can help them become better lawyers.“

– Professor Robert Nassau, Executive Director, Office of Clinical Legal Education,
Syracuse University

For students in the area of tax law, poring over tax code, regulations, and IRS guidance and keeping up with changing laws may not be a thrilling prospect. Yet the world of tax and its implications for ordinary individuals, families, organizations, and corporations can be substantial. Drawing this connection within an academic setting, however, can be difficult.

Professor Robert Nassau is Teaching Professor at Syracuse University, oversees the Office of Clinical Legal Education as Executive Director, and serves as Director at the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic. In recent years, his biggest challenge has been to demonstrate the fascinating aspects of tax law and how it has evolved in the way it is practiced over the years.

His students gain practical experience by servicing clients at the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, often the first-ever clients they work with. Here, Professor Nassau is able to introduce them to the AI-powered platform, Blue J Tax. The students use the solution to build the best possible cases for their clients. Recently, Professor Nassau’s students won an Income Spouse Relief case for a client, guided by the prediction and insights Blue J provided.

To learn how Blue J Tax was used by Professor Nassau’s students to build a strong case for their client and win, read the case study today.

Read the Case Study

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